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White Christmas

White Christmas has been a favorite since first recorded by Bing Crosby in 1942. It is the best selling single of all time. One story has it that Irving Berlin wrote it in warm La Quinta, CA. (Wikipedia)

Silent Night

Silent Night, was first sung to a village church congregation in Austria.The assistant pastor (Mohr) composed the lyrics, the choir director (Gruber)added the melody and the arrangement for the guitar used to accompany the song.The song was sung with the choir on Christmas Eve night December 24, 1818. (Bill Egan)

I’ll Be Home For Christmas

I’ll Be Home For Christmas is sung from the point of view of an overseas soldier during WWII, writing a letter to his family. He tells the family that he will be coming home, and to prepare the holiday for him including requests for "snow", "mistletoe", and "presents on the tree". The song ends with the soldier saying "I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams." The word “melancholy” with perhaps little hope of fulfillment is an apt description of the mood of the song. (Wikipedia) And so the way that I sang it: softly and tinged with doubt.

Oh Holy Night

O Holy Night was an easy choice to include on the album. What was not so easy was choosing an arrangement. After learning three different versions I settled on a David Foster rendition. Of course……I took artistic liberty. O Holy Night" was composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847 to the French poem "Minuit, chrétiens"(Midnight, Christians) by Placide Cappeau. (Wikipedia)

Mary Did You Know

Mary Did You Know written by Mark Lowery and Buddy Greene has been a favorite of mine for some time. It brings tears to my eyes when I sing it. I hope you catch the emotion as I sing it to an imaginary Mary, holding her newborn baby Jesus. Thru the lyrics the world understand who Jesus is-"the great I Am."

Joy to the World

The lyrics to "Joy to the World" were written by English hymn writer Isaac Watts. (1719) (See Psalm 98) The music was adapted and arranged to Watts' lyrics by Lowell Mason in 1839 from an older melody which is believed to have originated from Handel. (Wikipedia)

The album orchestration is very energetic and boastful. It catches the flavor of a joyous celebration- Jesus coming to the world.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Rummage thru the glitzy Christmas ads to get the best bargain, endure the mad rush to get that just right gift, and it is still “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”!

Do You Hear What I Hear

Do You Hear What I Hear was written in 1962 by Noel Regney and Gloria Shayne husband and wife. It was at the height of the Cuban missile crisis and so the words, “pray for peace people everywhere”. I sang the song as if it was being sung to kids. Alluding to the Christmas story with a star, a shepherd and a king.